Muse became a mainstream band and those guys know how to be creative and have an original sound while playing live. Over the week a couple of live versions from the song appeared on my playlist and caught my ear in terms of how they can sound different but good at the same time; let me explain. In the original version the electric bass has a raw sound, while the version live at Rome Olympic Stadium the sound is a bit softer; furthermore at the AOL Session the beginning has a guitar picking to then let the bass sound have an appearance going towards a vibrato which just demonstrates my initial statement; slightly different sounds but in all of them sounding good with their own style. For that reason wanted to write about it on the Song Thoughts section.

The piano arrangement is such a classy touch alongside with the drums and Matt Bellamy voice to make a perfect harmony. Indeed, at their live shows is incredible how the audience follow the drums rhythm creating a magical atmosphere during their concert with this song. The video at Rome Olympic stadium in 2013 gives me chills due to the fantastic environment that can be perceived with one of the biggest moments when the entire forum started to sing “Our hopes and expectations, Black holes and revelations, Our hopes and expectations, Black holes and revelations”  to afterwards continue with the clapping hands at the drums rhythm.

The most engaging lyrics from my point of view are “Far Away, The ship is taking me far away, far away from the memories, Of the people who care If I live or die” as a clear example of your isolation as a person, vanishing yourself in the horizon, becoming stronger without having the minimal attachment of people´s opinion on what you think or do. But at the same time shows fragility with the phrase “And I´ll never let you go, If you promise not to fade away, never fade away” that’s why is such a powerful and energetic song for everyone´s hopes and expectations… in life.