Brick by boring brick is a song from Paramore´s third studio album where at that point in time the Farro brothers were still part of the lineup. During their years as a band they have experienced some changes with people leaving and coming back, but despite that fact Paramore has been able to keep doing music and great songs.

Brick By Boring Brick starts with a powerful rock riff and when Hayley Williams starts to sing, a catchy bass line follows her voice with some guitar chords afterwards. The song continues with ups and downs on the rhythm with Hayley getting to some high and long notes, something very characteristic in other Paramore songs too.

The lyrics make references to some childhood fairy tales where there´s a princess and a prince, a castle and wolves; where all those elements are part of a fantasy to overcome some sort of reality. Who hasn´t created some imaginary world trying to escape the reality in which you live in? Most of the times when that reality is not what you like or had expected.

Nevertheless, after building that fantasy sometimes reality hits in so many ways that you have to make front to it and that’s where your inner spirit shows up; this is reflected on the lyrics “Go get your shovel, And we´ll dig a deep hole, To bury the castle, bury the castle, Well you built up a world of magic, Because your real life is tragic, Yeah you built up a world of magic”. Therefore don´t be afraid to dust off that shovel and bury on a fun way the reality which you don’t want to be part anymore to build the one you want while listening to this Paramore song.